Below is a collection of podcasts and speakers gleaned from a wide variety of sources. Members of the OA Fellowship here in the Foothill Intergroup are sincerely appreciative to all those who have contributed to these recordings. These podcasts provide hope to all members of Overeaters Anonymous and help spread the miracle of recovery to those who still suffer from compulsive overeating, anorexia, and bulimia.
- Mill Creek 100-Pounder Speakers, Orange County, CA
- There Is A Solution, NYC's OA Big Book Meeting: Cycle 12 (Summer/Winter 2016)
- There Is A Solution, NYC's OA Big Book Meeting: Latest Recordings
- Central New Jersey Intergroup Speakers
- Central Colorado Intergroup of OA
- Channel Islands Intergroup Podcasts
- Greater Omaha Intergroup of OA Speakers
- Los Angeles Intergroup Virtual Speakers' Bureau
- Los Angeles Intergroup Event Speakers' Bureau
- Los Angeles Intergroup OA Birthday Party Virtual Speakers' Bureau
- Marin County Intergroup Speakers
- Northern Virginia Intergroup OA Nova Podcasts
- Sacramento Valley Intergroup Speakers
- San Fernando Valley Intergroup Podcasts
- San Francisco Intergroup Podcasts
- San Gabriel Valley Inland Empire (SGVIE) Intergroup Speakers
Intergroup Blogs
- At OA Foothill Intergroup, oafoothill.org, our blog oafootnotes.blogspot.com posts personal stories which express the experience, strength and hope of individual members.
- At OA Silicon Valley Intergroup, oasv.org we have been posting fresh blog content regularly since the launch of our new website in mid-April of 2021. You just might find the perfect inspiration for a joyfully abstinent day ahead and the Twelve Step solution to living life happy, joyous, and free!
YouTube Video Sharing
- XA Speakers - The lights are on!
Phone Meeting Podcasts
- OA Hour of Power - "We Live in the Solution not the Problem"
- OA 100 Pounders Phone Meeting Podcasts
- Overeaters Anonymous: A Vision For You: 7:00 AM (ET) Daily Podcast
- Overeaters Anonymous: A Vision For You: 10:00 AM (ET) Daily Podcast
- Overeaters Anonymous: A Vision For You: Sunday Special Edition Podcast
World Service Office