For Families of Compulsive Eaters
There is very little in life harder than watching someone you love hurt themselves day after day, over and over again. And when you live with someone with compulsive eating behaviors that is exactly what you are seeing. Whether that problem is obesity, anorexia, bulimia, excessive exercise or any other compulsive behavior involving food or body image.
Many who love people with problem food behaviors have tried everything they can think of to help. They might diligently prepare delicious low calorie meals and feel triumphant when their loved one loses weight, only to feel frustrated and somehow cheated when the weight is regained. They might offer a special trip, or new clothes, or money if their family member sticks with a diet, or stops purging - only to watch in sadness as the offer never gets taken. And many have experience the fear and frustration of knowing that something is wrong, but not knowing what it is, what to do or how to help. Those of us with compulsive eating behaviors understand that our problems affect the ones who love us. We often feel deeply ashamed of our problem, but don't know how to stop. Often we don't even know how to talk about our problems with the ones we love out of fear or shame. We hope that by taking a look at the resources on this page and in this website you can come to a greater understanding of the disease of compulsive overeating and how it impacts the person you love. Explore our website! In particular, check out About OA. In addition, here are the links to some literature and podcasts from our World Service Organization that might be helpful:
Want to know more? Call or email us for information. |